Report Cards:
The primary purpose of assessment and reporting is to improve student learning. Schools provide report cards to parents, which provide information about:
- student achievement of the curriculum expectations (grade and comment)
- student demonstration of specific learning skills
- student attendance including times late and days absent, if applicable
- information about second language programming and special learning needs
Secondary school midterm reports are provided in November and April, and final reports are distributed in February and July. Student/teacher/guardian conferences are in October and March.
How are students assessed and evaluated?
Assessment and evaluation happens throughout the semester. It's the process of gathering and evaluating information that accurately reflects how a student is doing in the course. Students are evaluated based on the provincial curriculum expectations and achievement levels outlined in curriculum policy documents. All curriculum documents are available at the school. You can also download curriculum documents from the Ministry of Education's website by clicking here. Students will be asked to complete a variety of assignments, including presentations, writing assignments and quizzes or tests. Teachers strive to provide feedback quickly so that the assessment can be used for learning - it's important for students have an opportunity to understand and correct errors. You can read the SCDSB's memorandum on Assessment, Evaluation and Reporting by clicking here.
Final Grades:
- 70% of the grade is based on evaluations conducted throughout the course
- 30% of the grade is based on a final evaluation administered towards the end of the course. This evaluation will be based on evidence from one or a combination of the following: an examination, a performance, an essay, and/or another method of evaluation suitable to the course concept
Recovery Days:
Following the last day of regular instruction in a semester, all secondary schools will run three feedback, recovery and improvement days for students not achieving success in their class(es). These days are reserved for students who require an opportunity to receive feedback from an assessment, to rescue or recover a credit, or to improve on an area of missed expectations. Teachers and support staff will communicate with students and families, if your child will benefit from attending this opportunity. All other students, while welcome, are not required to be in school during these days. The schedule follows a normal school day, and extra help occurs during the student's regularly scheduled period. If a student is at school, they will be expected to attend all their classes, unless signed out by a guardian. If signed out, they are expected to leave the school. Students are not permitted to "hang out" at school during this time. There will be no new instruction during these three days. Attendance will not be tracked towards a student's record and guardians do not need to report a student's absence. Buses will run on their normal schedule. The cafeteria will not be open, but there will be limited seating available in a designated area during the lunch period. Please contact us if you have any questions about these days.
Education Quality & Accountability Office (EQAO):
Annually, students in elementary and secondary schools write provincial assessments in reading, writing and mathematics. The assessments are developed and scored by the Education Quality and Accountability Office (EQAO). Each student that completes a provincial assessment receives an Individual Student Report (ISR) which describes the student's achievement. School and board achievement data is used to improve teaching practices, and to support student learning. Each school develops a School Improvement Plan that focuses on strategies to promote positive learning and encourage students to be actively involved in their learning. More information about the provincial assessments can be found on the EQAO website by clicking here.