Students do not have to be identified as exceptional to receive special education support. Classroom teachers, special education teachers and school administration work with parents as a team to provide special education resources and support to students who may need it. Student strengths and needs are outlined in the Individual Education Plan (IEP). As teens transition to high school, their elementary school will share information with the new school to ensure supports are in place.
Support in High School:
There are various levels of special education support in high school. Students may receive support from their classroom teacher or an educational assistant in the classroom. Depending on the needs outlined in the IEP, students will receive accommodations as part of their courses. High schools also offer a range of locally developed courses designed to meet the learning needs of students. Depending on their needs, students may be part of a specialized program or class.
Like in elementary school, parents are involved in the planning for their teen's learning and support in high school. SEA equipment provided to students in elementary school will be transferred to their high school.
Special Education Placements in High School:
- Students who are identified as gifted have the option of continuing in the Gifted Program in high school.
- A student might spend a portion of their day in a Learning Centre, which is a specialized class for small groups of students. In the Learning Centre, students receive intensive literacy and numeracy support from a special education teacher.
- In some cases, students will be part of the Life Skills class, which provides intensive programming and support in basic literacy and numeracy, technology integration, communication, self help, social skills and vocational training.
- Some students with a diagnosis of Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD) will be part of the Secondary ASD program, which is offered at Nottawasaga Pines. This program is designed for students with significant needs in the areas of communication, self-regulation, social skills, self-help, community awareness, and academics.
Students may work towards an Ontario Secondary School Diploma (OSSD), an Ontario Secondary School Certificate (OSSC), or a Certificate of Accomplishment.
Contact Us:
Our school office is open Monday-Friday from 7:30 a.m. until 3:30 p.m.
Resource Teacher
(Grade 9 & 11)
Mr. Kyle Sweezey:
Special Education Curriculum Lead
Resource Teacher (Grade 10 & 12)
Mr. Greg Palka:
Life Skills Teacher
Ms. Christine Molenaar:
Life Skills Teacher
Ms. Julie Monk:
ASD Teacher
Mr. Meyer Shemtov:
ASD Teacher
Ms. Ainsley Matravers
Learning Centre